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Employment Law Update – SF Editions: 2012—A Year in Review: 2013—A Challenging Year Ahead

Summary of Program

Join the attorneys from Weintraub Tobin’s Labor and Employment Group as they discuss important legal developments from 2012 and review the complexities of a number of new laws facing employers in 2013.

Program Highlights:

  • Wage and Hour Law: New Legislation Makes Compliance Harder Than Ever;
  • Discrimination and Retaliation: New Protected Activities and Regulatory Crackdowns
  • Privacy: Social Media and Beyond;
  • Developments in Leaves of Absence and Accommodation Law;
  • Policies and Contracts: What’s Required and What’s Prohibited; and
  • The NLRB’s Attack on the Non-Union Workplace.

This seminar is available either in person or via webinar! If attending via WEBINAR, you will receive login information one week prior to the seminar.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

9:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.

475 Sansome Street, Suite 1800

San Francisco, CA 94111

Registration Breakfast

8:30 a.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

There is no charge for this seminar

Approved for 3 hours MCLE Credit; HRCI credits available upon request


Ramona Carrillo
Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.558.6046
Fax: 916.446.1611

Employment Law Update: 2012—A Year in Review: 2013—A Challenging Year Ahead

Summary of Program

Join the attorneys from Weintraub Tobin’s Labor and Employment Group as they discuss important legal developments from 2012 and review the complexities of a number of new laws facing employers in 2013.

Program Highlights:

  • Wage and Hour Law: New Legislation Makes Compliance Harder Than Ever;
  • Discrimination and Retaliation: New Protected Activities and Regulatory Crackdowns;
  • Privacy: Social Media and Beyond;
  • Developments in Leaves of Absence and Accommodation Law;
  • Policies and Contracts: What’s Required and What’s Prohibited; and
  • The NLRB’s Attack on the Non-Union Workplace.

This seminar is available either in person or via webinar! If attending via WEBINAR, you will receive login information one week prior to the seminar.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

9:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.

400 Capitol Mall, Floor 11

Sacramento, CA 95814

Registration Breakfast

8:30 a.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

There is no charge for this seminar

Approved for 3 hours MCLE Credit; HRCI credits available upon request


Ramona Carrillo
Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.558.6046
Fax: 916.446.1611

Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking garage.

Save the Date: Employment Law Update: 2012—A Year in Review: 2013—A Tough Year Ahead

Please join the attorneys from Weintraub Tobin’s Employment Law Group as they review new laws facing employers for the upcoming 2013 year, and discuss important case law developments from 2012.


January 17,2013 – Sacramento

January 31,2013 – San Francisco

More details to follow. Please register now as seating will be limited.


Ramona Carrillo

Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin

400 Capitol Mall, Floor 11

Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: 916.558.6046

Fax: 916.446.1611



WEBINAR: Tips When Hiring and Firing – Get It right Before The Fight

Download: Tips when Hiring and Firing.pdf

Summary of Program

The Labor and Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin is pleased to offer this very informative training session that will discuss recent cases to help business owners, human resource professionals, and managers avoid liability and effectively hire employees as well as carry out disciplines and terminations.

Some of the topics to be discussed include:

  • Effective hiring practices.
  • What can you ask during an interview?
  • An employer’s right to discipline employees; is it limited?
  • Effective policies, training and documentation to reduce liability.
  • Beware of “Progressive Discipline” policies.
  • Did the employee quit or was [s]he “constructively terminated?” (What does that mean?)
  • What type of conduct can constitute “retaliation” and under what law?
  • Who is a “whistleblower” and under what law?
  • Can an “at-will” employee be wrongfully terminated?
  • What constitutes “wrongful termination?”


Lunchtime Webinar:

This program is available only via webinar.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

HRCI credits available upon successful completion and verification of attendance for duration of webinar.

There is no charge for this webinar.


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

Information on registering and logging in to this webinar will be provided after you have RSVP’ed and approximately one week prior to the session.

TRAINING: Mandatory AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention

Download: Sexual Harassment Prevention.pdf

Summary of Program

The regulations regarding California’s Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for supervisors require that certain employers provide training to their supervisors every two years.

The Labor and Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin is offering a two hour in-person training session that will comply with all the requirements outlined in the regulations, including things like:

  • an overview of sexual harassment laws;
  • examples of conduct that constitute sexual harassment;
  • lawful supervisory responses to complaints of harassment in the workplace;
  • strategies to prevent harassment in the workplace; and
  • practical and inter-active hypotheticals and examples to help illustrate what sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation can look like.

If you are an employer with 50 or more employees, and have supervisors who have not yet been trained, this training is a must. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you comply with your continuing sexual harassment training obligations.

Training Program:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Training

Charge: $50.00 per supervisor


Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo Center parking garage.


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

SEMINAR: Risks and Benefits of Social Media and Computers in the Workplace – Sacramento

For employers, are social networking sites Happy or Sad?

Summary of Program

Employees use networking sites to communicate with one another (as well as current and potential customers). They post their daily thoughts and activities, upload photos and, occasionally, adversely impact ther employers’ buusiness. What can an employer do to protect itself without intruding on employee rights?

Some of the topics to be discussed include:

  • Employer’s use of employee’s social media information versus the employee’s right to privacy.
  • Protection of employer’s Confidential and Proprietary Information.
  • Potential employer liability for employee’s on-line conduct.
  • The importance of effective Electronic Use and Social Media policies.


Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Parking validation provided – please park in the Wells Fargo Center garage

Seminar Program

8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Seminar

Approved for 3.0 hours MCLE credit;
HRCI credits available upon request.

There is no charge for this seminar.


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

SEMINAR: NEW LOCATION! Risks and Benefits of Social Media and Computers in the Workplace

Download: Social Networking SF v2.pdf

For employers, are social networking sites Happy or Sad?

Summary of Program

Employees use networking sites to communicate with one another (as well as current and potential customers). They post their daily thoughts and activities, upload photos and, occasionally, adversely impact ther employers’ buusiness. What can an employer do to protect itself without intruding on employee rights?

Some of the topics to be discussed include:

  • Employer’s use of employee’s social media information versus the employee’s right to privacy.
  • Protection of employer’s Confidential and Proprietary Information.
  • Potential employer liability for employee’s on-line conduct.
  • The importance of effective Electronic Use and Social Media policies.

Location – UPDATED!

The location of this event has changed. The new location:

Weintraub Tobin
475 Sansome Street, Suite 1800
San Francisco CA

Seminar Program

8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Seminar

Approved for 3.0 hours MCLE credit;
HRCI credits available upon request.

There is no charge for this seminar.


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

Upcoming Speaking Engagement: Whose Book (of Business) Is It Anyway?

Download: Multi-State Chart re Covenants Not to Compete (1550390).PDF

Labor & Employment attorney Chuck Post will speak at the 2012 ALTA National Convention, October 17-20 in Colorado.

Chuck will join two other speakers for the seminar: “Whose Book (of Business) Is It Anyway,” on Saturday, October 20, 8:30-9:45 a.m.

“Whose Book (of Business) Is It Anyway”

Protecting the willingness of real estate professionals to refer business and growing that willingness can be essential to a successful title career or the very survival of a title company.

But who owns those referral sources? What can title companies lawfully do to protect this essential intangible asset? What can departing employees lawfully utilize? A panel of three attorneys, deeply experienced in trade secret protection, offer a review of the most recent court decisions and cutting edge strategies to protect trade secrets and maintain the right to compete lawfully. The session will include a brief power point presentation (multistate overview), a panel discussion of recent cases, and questions and answers.

For more information on the seminar and the conference, check out the 2012 ALTA Conference Brochure.