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We Invite You To Attend: Employment Law Update

Join Weintraub Tobin’s Labor and Employment Group as they discuss important legal developments from 2013 and review the complexities of a number of new laws facing employers in 2014. Seminar(s) held in both Sacramento and San Francisco. See dates below.

Employment Law Update:

2013 – A Year In Review

2014 – An Interesting Year Ahead

*Approved for 3 hours MCLE credit; HRCI credits available upon request

*There is no charge for this seminar

*Parking validation provided in the Wells Fargo parking garage (Sacramento)

*This seminar is also available via Webinar. Please indicate in your RSVP if you will be attending this way


January 16, 2014 (Sacramento)

January 23, 2014 (San Francisco)


8:30 a.m. – Registration and breakfast

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Seminar


400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor

Sacramento, CA 95814

475 Sansome Street, Suite 1800

San Francisco, CA 94111


Ramona Carrillo



Upcoming Seminar: Untrained Managers and Supervisors – What They Need to Know

Download: Flyer – Your Greatest Liability. Untrained Managers and Supervisors – (1722646).PDF

Summary of Program
Most employers know that it is crucial to have well trained supervisors to help ensure that rank and file employees perform their jobs effectively and efficiently. However, many employers don’t realize how important it is that supervisors be trained to understand the many employment laws that govern the workplace. Untrained supervisors can take actions (or fail to take actions) that result in significant legal consequences for an employer. Come join the employment lawyers at Weintraub Tobin for a discussion of best practices for training supervisors and reducing the potential for liability.

Program Highlights

  • An overview of employment laws that impact the workplace and common mistakes supervisors make when they don’t understand those laws.
  • Tips for effective communication between supervisors and employees, including how to give constructive performance feedback.
  • Common supervisor mistakes when hiring and firing.
  • The importance of consistent, objective, and timely discipline.
  • Preventing and responding to harassment and other Equal Employment Opportunity complaints.
  • Documentations: The good, the bad and the ugly.

Seminar Program
8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Seminar

Approved for 3 hours MCLE credit; HRCI credits available upon request.
There is no charge for this seminar.

Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

This seminar is also available via webinar. Please indicate in your RSVP if you will be attending via webinar. If attending via webinar, MCLE and HRCI credits will be provided upon
verification of attendance for the entirety of the webcast.

Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking garage, entrances on 4th and 5th Street.

Upcoming Webinar: Managing Products in CA; Prop 65, Green Chemistry & Rigid Plastic Packaging Act

Summary of Program

This webinar will provide an in-depth understanding of California specific laws, affecting food and other product manufacturers and marketers, such as the Prop 65, the Green Chemistry Initiative, and the Rigid Plastic Packaging Act. We will discuss these laws, how to comply with them and avoid litigation.

About the Instructor

Instructor, Lee N. Smith is experienced in federal and state water quality, air quality and hazardous materials compliance issues, Prop 65 and Food Safety issues. He has handled cases before the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, the San Joaquin Unified Air Pollution Control District, and local environmental agencies. He has also been involved in state court litigation concerning pesticide contamination, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and Prop. 65 litigation, as well as federal litigation involving the Clean Air Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Time: 10:00 pm EST

Areas Covered:

  • History of the Law
  • Explanation of the Statute and Regulation
  • Case Studies
  • Litigation
  • Compliance
    • Products
    • Food Products
  • What to do if you get a sixty-day notice

For more information about the webinar, click here.

The Twenty-Third Annual Estate & Gift Tax Conference

Hot Topics:  Property Tax Planning and Reporting

The panel will focus on entity and parent to child transfers.  They will address new developments, including planning entity transfers (Ocean Avenue LLC) to avoid reassessment and the appropriate BOE forms to file.

Specialty Credit:

  • Tax: Estate, Gift Tax and Estate Planning
  • Trust & Estates: Estate Planning

Speakers:  Janet Chediak, Richard Moon, Charles Olson

Employment Law Update – 2014 A Year in Review | 2015 An Interesting Year Ahead (Sacramento)

Summary of Program

Join the attorneys from Weintraub Tobin’s Labor and Employment Group as they discuss important legal developments from 2014 and review the complexities of a number of new laws facing employers in 2015.

Program Highlights

  • New Federal and State Legislation and Regulatory Requirements—Compliance is Harder Than Ever!
  • Updates in the World of Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Law.
  • Privacy: Social Media and Beyond.
  • The Ongoing Headache of Keeping Up with the Complex Laws Relating to Leaves of Absence and Reasonable Accommodations.
  • Developments and Trends in Wage and Hour Litigation.
  • The NLRB’s Continued Attack on the Non-Union Workplace.

Seminar Program

8:30 am Registration and Breakfast

9:00 am – 12:00 pm Seminar

Approved for 3 hours MCLE credit. This program will be submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.

There is no charge for this seminar


Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
916.558.6046 | rcarrillo@weintraub.com

View flyer here.

Mandatory AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Summary of Program

The regulations regarding California’s Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for supervisors require that certain employers provide training to their supervisors every two years.

Program Highlights

The Labor and Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin is offering a two hour in-person training session that will comply with all the requirements outlined in the regulation, including things like:

  • an overview of sexual harassment laws;
  • AB 2054 – requires training on the prevention of abusive conduct in the workplace;
  • examples of conduct that constitute sexual harassment;
  • lawful supervisory responses to complaints of harassment in the workplace;
  • strategies to prevent harassment in the workplace; and
  • practical and inter-active hypotheticals to help illustrate what sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation can look like.

If you are an employer with 50 or more employees, and have supervisors who have not yet been trained, this training is a must. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you comply with your continuing sexual harassment training obligations.

Seminar Program

9:00 am Registration and Breakfast

9:30 am – 11:30 am Seminar

Charge: $75.00 per supervisor


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
916.558.6046 | rcarrillo@weintraub.com

View flyer here.

The World of Accommodations: Disabled Employees and Customers

Summary of Program

Most business owners know that customers and employees may need to be accommodated from time to time for various reasons. Often this is beacuse of an employee’s disability, medical condition or a condition present on property owned by the business and open to the public. It is important for business owners to understand and comply with how the courts and various federal and state regulatory agencies define accommodations, as well as learn what business owners’ rights and obligations are regarding: (1) engaging in the interactive process; (2) providing reasonable accommodations; and (3) removing barriers to access.

Program Highlights:

This informative seminar will cover the many accommodations business owners, employers and HR Professionals may be forced to consider, who should be accommodated, and how to engage in an interactive process to determine an appropriate accommodation. Topics will include:

  • How to Determine Who is Entitled to an Accommodation;
  • How to Engage in the Interactive Process and How to Know When to Initiate the Initial Discussion;
  • The Various Protected Classes and/or Activities Entitling an Employee to an Accommodation—including things like disability, religion, and illiteracy, to name a few;
  • Service Animals in the Workplace;
  • How to Effectively Document the Accommodation; and
  • Recent Developments in Accommodation Law.
  • A primer on Title II “Public Accommodation” Liability
  • Disabled Access Cases
    • ADA Mills Are Still Active
    • How Alterations to Your Property May Affect Your Obligations Under the ADA
    • It’s Not Just the ADA

Seminar Program

9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Seminar

This seminar is also available via webinar. Please indicate in your RSVP if you will be attending via webinar.

If attending via webinar, MCLE credit will be provided upon verification of attendance for the entirety of the webcast.

Approved for 2 hours MCLE credit. This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.

There is no charge for this seminar.


Ramona Carrillo

400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor

Sacramento, CA 95814

916.558.6046 | rcarrillo@weintraub.com

View flyer here.

Creating a Healthy Workplace: OSHA, IIPP and Workplace Violence

Download: OSHA Flyer.pdf

Summary of Program

Federal and state OSHA laws protect California workers from unsafe
working conditions. However, the federal and state statutes and
regulations are complex and can be difficult to understand. This seminar
is designed to remove some of the mystery from federal and state OSHA
requirements and assist you in your compliance.

Program Highlights

  • Implement a compliant and effective Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP).
  • Avoid enormous Cal/OSHA fines and hassles by regularly assessing your organization’s IIPP, training your employees, and shoring up weaknesses in your safety practices.
  • Better understand what OSHA regulations apply to your industry so you won’t be caught off guard if and when accidents occur.
  • Use effective preventive measures to keep your employees and customers safe from threats of workplace violence.
  • Recognize the warning signs that indicate an employee is capable of violence and how to respond.

Seminar Program

9:00 am Registration and Breakfast

9:30 am – 11:30 am Seminar

Approved for 2 hours MCLE credit. This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review. There is no charge for this seminar.


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

916.558.6046 | rcarrillo@weintraub.com

Beth West Presents a Half-Day Workshop – Navigate Employee Leave Laws

Sacramento Business Journal reports that, “Post and fellow shareholder Beth West will present a half-day workshop on the topic Wednesday. Sponsored by the Sacramento Employer Advisory Council in partnership with the state Employment Development Department, the event will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Sacramento State Alumni Center located at 6000 J St. The event costs $90 for members and $125 for nonmembers.

Independent Contractor v. Employee – ”Saying It’s So, Doesn’t Make it So”

Download: Flyer – Independent Contractor v. Employee (1780262).PDF

Summary of Webinar
The risks involved in misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee have always been serious. A number of federal and state agencies regulate the proper classification of workers and have the authority to impose significant monetary and non-monetary sanctions against employers who get the classification wrong.

Webinar Highlights

This informative webinar will cover the legal landscape of independent contractor status. Topics will include:

  • A summary of the various tests applied by federal and state agencies to determine independent contractor status;
  • A summary of the enforcement authority of various federal and state agencies and the sanctions they may impose on employers;
  • The due diligence employers must engage in before classifying a worker as an independent contractor;
  • The federal Department of Labor’s $25 million “Misclassification Initiative” designed to work closely with state agencies to investigate misclassifications and take enforcement action; and
  • California’s law imposing monetary and non-monetary sanctions against employers (and certain individuals) who willfully misclassify workers as independent contractors.

If you or your company is currently using independent contractors, this is a webinar you cannot afford to miss. Register today!

Webinar Program
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

MCLE & HRCI credits available upon request. Certificates will be provided upon verification of attendance for the entirety of the webcast.

Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814