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Alicia Dias, Author at Weintraub Tobin - Page 3 of 13

Welcome to the Weintraub Tobin Resources section. Browse for news, legal insights, information on presentations and events, and other resources from the Weintraub Tobin legal team.

WT Clients: Hypnotic’s Series “Suits: LA” Picked Up by NBC

NBC has ordered the first season of the “Suits” offshoot series, “Suits: LA.” The upcoming series cast includes Stephen Amell, Bryan Greenberg, Josh McDermitt, Lex Scott Davis, and Troy Winbush, with guest appearances by John Amos, Victoria Justice, and Kevin Weisman.

Weintraub Tobin Welcomes John Slavik

Weintraub Tobin is pleased to welcome John Slavik as an associate attorney in the Firm’s Labor and Employment and Litigation practice groups. He represents businesses and other types of entities in a broad range of litigation and arbitration matters in California, including contractual, employment, and commercial disputes. John is experienced in all areas of employment litigation and defends employers against alleged civil rights, tort, contract, and statutory violations, including the defense of claims involving workplace discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination, wage and hour issues, trade secrets, and class actions.

Don’t Believe the Hype – Retail Market Strong as Ever Amid Natural Turnover

We’ve all read the headlines recently.  From Big Lots to Joann’s to Express, many retailers which were staples of popular retail centers at the turn of the century have succumbed to the pressures of online shopping, higher interest rates and rising costs, and called it quits (or are significantly reorganizing their companies).  So is the retail market suffering, destined to face continuing failures and leave us with empty, decaying retail centers and shopping malls?

The Briefing: No Copyright Protection in Fitness Routines for Celebrity Trainer Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson, the mastermind behind the Tracy Anderson Method, sued ex-trainer Megan Roup for allegedly stealing her routines and licensing them to Equinox. The US District Court just ruled against Anderson’s copyright claim. Join Scott Hervey and Jamie Lincenberg from Weintraub Tobin on “The Briefing” as they discuss the case’s impact on fitness entrepreneurs.

Weintraub Tobin Welcomes Blake Gibbs

Weintraub Tobin is pleased to welcome Blake Gibbs as an associate attorney in the Firm’s Construction and Litigation practice groups, where he serves clients throughout California. This includes complex business, construction, and real property litigation matters, including corporate governance/internal disputes between business owners (“partnership disputes”), breach of contract, real property disputes, actions involving mechanics liens, stop notices, construction delays, easement and quiet title actions, encroachment disputes, breach of lease and unlawful detainer actions, and complex contract disputes.